Personal Coach
Hello, I’m Nilsa and I partner with women who are growing and defining their purpose. No matter where you are in life as a mom, student, business women, ministry leader, or entrepreneur, you are uniquely designed to step forward into your purpose.
I understand what it is like to feel overwhelmed and distracted with the daily grind of life. Finding purpose while we are trying to earn a living and balance our daily responsibilities can deplete us. I want to encourage you and say you are not alone, and you matter. God designed you with talents, dreams, and abilities that only you can do.
When was the last time you explored your strengths and talents? Has it been awhile?
I am reminded many times of the scripture in Philippians 2:13 which says “…for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”
The coaching process is a refreshing time for you to begin to grow and take a closer look at your values and define the vision you have for your life in light of who God made you.
I would love to partner with you and begin this process of discovery.

I’m Nilsa
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My Services
life purpose coaching
Life purpose coaching is designed to give you a place to explore your values and life plan in light of who God made you to be.
With your passion and desire for growth, you are on your way to a more fulfilling life.
Typically, the sessions are bi-weekly with weekly homework and check-ins. You will have pre-work forms to help you focus and growth steps to build muscle memory. You choose the pace and we partner to make sure your goals happen.
This is a focused time to partner with you as you explore your vision, create a business plan, or simply to take forward steps from where you are. Having a business coach is a valuable tool that will help bring clarity and strength in your new venture.
These sessions are typically once a week with several check-ins during the week.
These sessions are designed to specifically look at life balance in light of your purpose and calling. Everyone has a different perspective on what this looks like. When you are in balance, you will be effective, you will grow in relationships, and you will live a healthier life. If you would like a life balance assessment, that is a great place to start, but it isn’t required.
These sessions are once a week for four weeks, then they taper off to once a month, and then quarterly. This may change depending on your goals and what you would like to accomplish. Weekly check-ins and pre-session focus sheets are used to track progress.
Emotional Intelligence competencies are skills which focus on emotional awareness. Everyone can grow in their EQ(Emotional Quotient) and these tools are becoming very popular in organizations to help develop better communication and personal development.
These workshops are great for individuals or groups. I offer in-depth assessments for anyone who would like to take a deep dive into learning more about themselves.
This is also a great tool for anyone leading a team and would like to develop soft skills in a group setting.
Harnessing Your Potential
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Take the First Step

Crosspoint Life Coaching LLC
Let’s connect. Feel free to call me or send an email and I will be happy to answer any questions you have.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Flowery Branch, Georgia 30542